Empower, Enlighten and Embrace Life as You

 The Zonika® Codes

May these transmissions enrich your life.

They carry codes from deep within our Earth,
from other realms and dimensions,
and from the Heart of Humanity.

They want us to open and heal.

- Kathrine Krake

Listen to the intro Full Activation · $11

Now is the time. And you are ready.

GROW beyond belief.
LOVE without limits.
TRUST what you cannot see.

Zonika Spiral - light

Embody the Zonika® Light Codes

Let them clear and heal you.
Reconnect you with your Soul & Future Self.
And activate the dormant wisdom within.
Come back to who you are and step onto your highest timeline.
Your impact is needed in our world.


The full Zonika Activation is

9 Channelings on audio (20-30 min each)

  • Zonika Energy
  • The Name
  • The Spiral
  • The Time
  • The Leap
  • The Purpose
  • The Mastery
  • The New
  • The Reward

1 Energy Book (pdf) with the transcripts


Lifetime access: 11$ USD (+ VAT in EU/UK)

Why only 11$...?

Well, I've been guided specifically to not charge more, although these transmissions have the potential to change your life. This is my way of helping as many people as possible. Worldwide.

We are all needed to bring forth the change we came to create as Lightworkers and Future Thought Leaders.


Listen to the Introduction as it was channeled - or read it below.

An exercise that invites in the Zonika energy begins at 13:33.


Download the pdf of the introduction, no email required.

The introduction:

"When Zonika Enters Your System" 

When ZONIKA enters your system, everything is changed on very subtle levels. Every aspect of your being receives an upgrade that you can choose to use or not to use.

When ZONIKA aligns your system – consisting of your body, your mind, your soul, things fall into place although you may not see it right away. 

When ZONIKA enters your system, your voice is lit up to speak out loud – through you, your actions, your dreams and visions, your contribution to our world.

When ZONIKA leaves your system, you should think that everything would collapse. It won't. Because ZONIKA doesn't leave your system the way you think it leaves. It leaves through expanding. So it expands to people around you, places around you, animals, all living beings.

So when ZONIKA 'runs' through your system, would be a better way of saying it, it enters and it leaves. It runs through you and it's a constant stream

When ZONIKA runs through your system, it spreads like ripples in the water.

ZONIKA leaves an imprint in you. A code of the United feminine and masculine. Of total balance – and you will seek balance automatically.

When you invoke ZONIKA, those codes are activated and carry you, lead your way. And that is how it should be: leading your way – your way.

The doing and the being become one. The thinking and the feeling support each other. The love and the lover hold you firm, upright, open. Your choices, your actions align with your heart, your purpose, your Soul, Spirit and the world.

ZONIKA is not the answer to everything in life. You need other tools too.

The tools you have, the things you have learned, the experience of life that you carry will enhance with ZONIKA in you. They will get an upgrade too, because they are part of you. And when you get an upgrade, they get an upgrade. You will be able to use them in a different way than you used to do. Combine them differently, more efficiently and leave the ones that no longer serve you.

Your mind will expand and serve you, too. Your Master Mind. The one who knows, the one who sees, the one who is in every dimension of you.

Your Master Mind will guide you from a future dimension of yourself, aligned with your Soul, your Soul's purpose, your power – in presence.


Are You Ready?

Empower, Enlighten & Embrace Life

Full Activation · 11$

Hi! I’m Kathrine Krake
- here for the Heart Opening of Humanity

Part of my Soul mission is to channel the codes that activate you onto your highest timeline. So you can be and do what you're here to co-create with your higher self and bring forth change in our world.

I'm a pioneer and channeler of Zonika® a unique energy healing modality for transformation and leadership.

I'm a yoga therapist, energy worker, entrepreneur, and journalist who loves science, knowledge and wisdom. 

I live with my family on Bornholm, a small island in Denmark. A power spot full of magic energy - even a portal.